When should I replace my CPAP mask?

To maintain good quality therapy and enjoy a comfortable experience, it’s important to replace your mask and its components regularly. We’ve provided answers to some commonly asked questions below. The user guide for your mask also provides information on replacement.

Top 3 reasons to replace your CPAP mask regularly

Sleep longer
every night

CPAP user who regularly renew their equipment enjoy a 24% increase in the number of hours of they sleep while on therapy each night.1

Sleep better
and feel better

The majority of CPAP users who regularly renew their equipment say that they sleep better and have a more positive outlook on life.1

Make the most of your CPAP therapy

CPAP users who regularly renew their equipment are twice as likely to stay on track and continue their sleep apnoea therapy long-term.2

Why and how often should I get a new CPAP mask cushion?

Like any piece of clothing or accessory, your mask cushion becomes worn out over time. An old mask is more likely to leak, while old headgear may lose its elasticity, leading to over-tightening and discomfort. Using a mask that’s in good condition will help you to enjoy comfortable, effective therapy every night.

The life of a mask cushion depends on various factors, such as how much you wear your mask, your skin type (dry, oily, etc.), and how often you clean it.


How can I tell that it's time for a replacement?

If any part of the system shows signs of deterioration (cracking, crazing, discolouration, tears, cushion damage, etc.), you should discard and replace the component.

If you wear a full face mask and you notice that the valve is damaged, distorted or torn, you should replace the elbow. The mask should not be worn if the valve is damaged as it will not be able to perform its safety function.

Because your mask replacement schedule is unique to you, we highly recommend reading your mask user guide for detailed information.

In general, it might be time to replace your mask or some of its component parts if:

  • you have to tighten the straps very frequently,
  • the mask feels stiff, instead of soft and springy,
  • you feel your treatment may be less effective than usual,
  • the mask cushion is slippery even after it’s been cleaned,
  • the mask cushion is no longer clear and transparent,
  • the mask cushion and frame show signs of wear, stiffness, cracks or breaks.

Can I buy replacement component parts?

Yes. All ResMed mask components, including cushions and new mask systems, can be purchased separately. You can buy complete masks or mask spare parts on our webshop or through dealers.

Simple steps to enjoy a better PAP experience

Do you wish PAP therapy was easier or more comfortable? Do you have questions about cleaning and maintaining your equipment? Our free ebook is full of ideas and advice to help you enjoy a more comfortable PAP experience.

Making the most of your CPAP therapy
How can you make your treatment more comfortable?
Maintaining your PAP equipment


  1. Survey conducted for ResMed by third party market research firm (June 2013 & April 2015). Frequent resuppliers are defined as: those who receive replacement masks or parts for their mask at least every 3 months.
  1. Benjafield A et al., “Positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy compliance on a resupply program: A retrospective analysis,” American Journal of Respiratory and critical care medicine (April 2018): 197.