Propeller Health

Inhaler sensors, patient app and provider portal

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Propeller Health

Inhaler sensors, patient app and provider portal

Stay connected to patients with asthma and COPD. Propeller allows physicians to treat chronic patients through innovative products that use connectivity, analytics and companion digital services. This combination allows the physician to personalise care. Propeller, which supports and informs clinical monitoring, is clinically proven to improve patient outcomes1, making it easy for your patients to stick to the treatment plans you prescribe.

How does Propeller work?

Propeller sensors

Propeller sensors attach to your patients’ existing inhalers. The sensors send information wirelessly to the Propeller app on the patient’s smartphone, and a helpful reminder alert sounds when it’s time to take a dose.

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Propeller patient app

The Propeller app shows patients their medication usage trends and provides daily tips and education to help them control their asthma or COPD. If a patient’s rescue inhaler usage spikes, the app alerts them to schedule an appointment with their clinician. Over time, the app learns about their symptoms and medication use to help patients identify their triggers.

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Provider portal and patient reports

The portal allows you to monitor your patients’ medication usage, symptoms and triggers remotely and creates monthly reports summarising that data. Between visits, you can choose to receive notifications when patients have not been compliant with maintenance medication or when reliever medication use increases significantly.

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Propeller is clinically proven to improve patient outcomes

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  • Improvement in medication adherence1,2
  • Reduction in rescue inhaler usage1,3
  • Increase in symptom-free days3,4
  • Reduction in asthma-related Emergency Department visits5

“Remote-patient monitoring makes earlier management changes possible. We can focus on patients who are having problems, foregoing the need to make time for patients who are doing well.”– Dr. Rajan Merchant, Dignity Health Woodland

“The ability to prescribe a maintenance medication with Propeller will make it easier for healthcare professionals to engage their patients in self-management.” – Dr. David Van Sickle, CEO Propeller Health

1. Effectiveness of population health management using the propeller health asthma platform: a randomized clinical trial. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 4(3), 455-463.
2. Van Sickle D, Humblet O, Barrett M, Henderson K, and Hogg C. 2016. Randomized, controlled study of the impact of a mobile health tool on asthma SABA use, control and adherence. European Respiratory Journal:48: PA1018.

3. Barrett, M., Combs, V., Su, J. G., Henderson, K., Tuffli, M., & AIR Louisville Collaborative. (2018). AIR Louisville: Addressing Asthma With Technology, Crowdsourcing, Cross-Sector Collaboration, And Policy. Health Affairs, 37(4), 525-534.
4. Barrett MA, Humblet O, Marcus JE, Henderson K, Smith T, Eid N, et al. Effect of a mobile health, sensor-driven asthma management platform on asthma control. Ann Allergy, Asthma Immunol. 2017;119:415-421.e1.
5. Merchant, R., Szefler, S.J., Bender, B.G. et al. Impact of a digital health intervention on asthma resource utilization. World Allergy Organ J 11, 28 (2018).