Good habits for healthy sleep

Sleep is vital for our health. Would you like to stop snoring or simply enjoy better sleep so you have more energy during the day? Whatever your goal, it’s important to develop positive sleep habits. Here are our favourite sleep tips to help you enjoy a peaceful night and a well-rested day.

Seven tips for better sleep

Get active

The more active you are during the day, the more likely you will be to relax and fall asleep at night. Even if you’re not the sporty type, get some exercise by taking the stairs or walking to work.

Turn off your devices

Unplug at least an hour before bed. Blue light emitted from electronic devices like phones, tablets and laptops stimulates the brain. Try winding down with a book or some music and a warm bath instead.

Stick to a sleep schedule

An important tip for better sleep: go to bed at the same time each evening. Try to keep the same schedule during the week and at weekends.

Avoid caffeine

Not everyone is the same, but it generally takes 3-5 hours for your body to break down caffeine. Count back six hours from your planned bedtime and switch to non-caffeinated drinks. You’ll thank yourself later!

Watch your weight

Unfortunately, excess weight and obesity are major risk factors for snoring and sleep apnoea. Poor sleep also makes it easier to gain weight and more difficult to lose weight. We know it’s hard. But if you want to stop snoring and enjoy better sleep, losing a few pounds could make all the difference.

Make your bedroom a haven

A comfortable mattress and supportive pillows. Thick curtains or blackout blinds. No reminders of work. Cosy bedding. Turn your bedroom into a restful, peaceful haven and you should find it easier to fall asleep and enjoy better sleep all night.

Avoid alcohol

Even small amounts of alcohol before bed can cause poor-quality sleep and wakefulness later on in the night.1 Drinking can also turn normal snoring into obstructive sleep apnoea.2 Less alcohol should result in better sleep and could also help you to stop snoring.

What are the benefits of sleep?

Sleeping helps you stay healthy because it gives your body the chance to:

  • Heal damaged cells.
  • Boost your immune system.
  • Recover from the day’s activities.
  • Recharge your heart and cardiovascular system for the next day.

All about sleep, snoring and sleep disorders

Would you like to enjoy better sleep? Are you bothered by problem snoring? This free ebook is packed with information to help you understand sleep, snoring and sleep disorders. It’s designed to give you the information you need to take effective action.

Sleep, snoring and sleep disorders
ebook sleep and snoring cover
Are you getting enough sleep?
ebook sleep and snoring preview
7 tips to sleep better
ebook sleep and snoring preview b


  1. Thakkar et al. Alcohol disrupts sleep homeostasis. Alcohol 2015; 49(4).
  2. Scanlan et al. Effect of moderate alcohol upon obstructive sleep apnoea. Eur Respir J. 2000; 16.
  3. Sleep-disordered breathing affects 34% of men and 17% of women aged between 30-70 Peppard et al. Increased Prevalence of Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Adults. Am J Epidemiol. 2013 (5.17).